Rhymes with Bat Flip: an Ode to Joy.

When a fellow hits a home run, he doesn’t need to watch it fly.

He does not need to smirk, and toss his bat into the sky.

Doesn’t he know that his next wish will likely be denied?

For the baseball gods see arrogance, and they can only sigh.

For they wrote the book – and rule 6.03(a)(3) – besides.

(No one owns this book – it’s unprinted – to be precise.)

But woe to those who flaunt their gifts before the gods’ eyes.

But for those of us that remain, us meek and humble types,

We can only guess that holy ones will cut us down to size.

I am only little, however, and so I must surmise,

That a player might be forgiven if he feels a little high.

For his team has won a playoff series; his home run won Game 5!

And if he celebrates, I don’t care: if he is on my side.

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