I was writing up an interview with Jeremy Eierman, a 21-year-old junior shortstop at Missouri State and highly touted MLB draft prospect.
But then I read that Jake Burger had been carted off the field after suffering an Achilles injury.
Jake – who Jeremy roomed with on the road last year, and who provided a framework for dealing with the thrill of the MLB Draft. Finish that paper and take that midterm in the meantime, though.
Jake – whose pinned post on Twitter still pays tribute to his dear friend and former MSU teammate, Aaron Meyer, whose gruesome patellar tendon injury finished Meyer’s season six weeks before the MLB draft.
Meyer has found a path in coaching, though he still works diligently to get into playing shape. Running again was a big deal. Walking was a big deal.
Meanwhile, Jake was drafted 11th overall by his favorite team, the White Sox.
Jake – who never complained when I made fun of his college baseball walkup song, the same “tune” the Blackhawks play after scoring goals. I made fun of it every time I saw him.
Jake – who was thrilled when a Springfield restaurant named a burger after him.
Jake – whose little sister, Ellie, a tennis player at Missouri State, is one of his best pals.
Maybe his MRI will come back negative, and he’ll heal from his injury quickly. Maybe the White Sox broadcasters will celebrate his call-up to Chicago in a year or so and hardly give this setback a mention.
Jake – who just wants to play baseball.
We just want him to be able to play baseball.