Grichuk wiped his brow with the back of his wrist.
The wind had caught and tossed the ball into the wall.
Three runs had scored.
He could’ve caught it if he’d reached further.
John Lackey glared at him from the pitchers mound.
Travis Ishikawa smirked from second base.
He’d watched the ball fly into the seats, almost.
But this would nearly as good.
With Tim Hudson pitching.
And four runs up.
Lackey calmed down.
And Grichuk kept playing.
Embarrassed though he might’ve been.
Or perhaps he’d forgotten as quickly as Jon Jay had relayed the ball.
Or after a half-inning of mumbles and crushed Gatorade cups.
St. Louis continued to play, too.
And when Grichuk hit in the 7th inning, down a run, he did not undo his mistake.
But he erased the deficit.