“I’m entering my 52nd season as a Cardinals fan,” he told me.
I poured his coffee.
I told him I’d been a fan since I was 8, and that Jaime Garcia pitched a couple of good innings the day before.
Needless to say, he was impressed.
He wouldn’t follow until the regular season, though I had no reason to doubt his allegiance otherwise.
He wore a Cards hat and told me he was from southern Illinois.
He was lucky to have access to KMOX, I told him.
I used to be able to catch find a signal on clear nights, but relied on a local affiliate for daily access.
I found an afternoon game in September of 1992 and that was it.
We started to talk about Jack Buck, the broadcaster.
But my manager asked me to take orders.
Which isn’t something I’ve ever been very good at it.
I told the customer he was part of the Diaspora, and that I was, too.
The past 15 years have been ridiculously good, but I remember when they relied on Rheal Cormier to anchor the pitcher staff.
I stopped.
I poured some coffee and wiped some tables.
Lest my manager consider a double shift.